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Monday, 27 May 2013

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Having my annual haircut,
As I sit on the chair.
The reflection of my life’s work,
Shown by a silver hair.
In that one string I realised,
I must find a new heir.

Dear people of the world,
My humble factory and I,
Want to invite five children.
The only way you can apply,
Is to find a golden ticket.
A Wonka bar is your only reply.

Augustus Gloop found the first ticket,
 Then followed by Veruca Salt.
The third was found by Violet Beauregarde,
Tickets were found as fast as lightning bolts.
Mike Tee-Vee found the fourth,

And Charlie made the halt.

This is my English homework. There are 7 stanzas. Further notice will be announced.

Sunday, 26 May 2013


Footprints on the sand,
Made by many strangers.
Many wearing stripped clothing,
On Sydney’s Bondi beach.

Arching through the city,
Tall and wide and open.
Cars passing, trains moving,
Under  Sydney’s Harbour Bridge.

A man with a huge smile,
Eager for you to play.
Entertaining ones with rides,
In Sydney’s Luna Park.

Tall or short, swim or sink,
An infinite to be seen.
Animals all around the world,
Found in Sydney’s Taronga Zoo.

I do not own these pictures

The tall, free standing building,
Observing the entire Sydney.
Sydney Tower is what’s it’s called,
Observing the whole entire Sydney.

The Apple Tree

The sun glistens on my special tree,
the apples are scarlet red.
With leaves like dazzling emeralds,
what a beautiful tree!

Three months passed and the sky has faded,
apples are falling one  by one.
Plop, plop, plop.
The leaves changes colour to yellow and red,
what a striking tree!

But the heavens threw wind down on my tree,
and caught all my apples,
And caught all my leaves.
what a lonely tree!

Day by day I waited,
to find my missing fruits.
Ninety days and ninety nights,
I see an apple on my tree!

The sun shines on my apple tree,
the apples grew back again.
Leaves are green and apples are red,
I do not own these pictures.
what a beautiful tree!

The cycle turns again and again,
like a ferris wheel.
Though life could fall at times,
one day it'll grow again!

The Start of My Career

Making this blog leads all the way back to 24/05/2013, when my tutoring task was to write a poem. The task was to write about an apple tree. That's when I discovered I enjoyed writing poems. 

I hope you enjoy my poems as much as I do!
Any inquiries, please feel free to send it to My Email Address!

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